Hannah Says Hello

I would really like to take a moment to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy what you read and that it will entice you to come back for more. There is a link to subscribe if you wish. This blog is meant to be appealing to a wide range of ages, so please keep anything you comment to a PG-13 level, no slander or bad talk.

I will continue to update this blog and keep as much new content as possible. I will comment back, but please be patient with me if it takes longer than you anticipated. All feedback is welcome, good, bad, or neutral.

I will leave you with my own quote, "If I can dream it, I can write it. If I can write it, then it will become your dream."


This is a page for all that is fanatical.  Here you will always encounter otherfolk, magic, wizards, and maybe the occasional dragon.  Be careful where you tread, you never know what may be around the next corner.  Not all stories may be what they seem at first with a twist at every turn.  The bad guy may be the good guy and so on.  I will have some classics for those of you that must have such as elves, dwarfs, unicorns, brownies and more.  But, do expect to find the unexpected.  Hold on to the edge of your seat and enter these alternate worlds with me.  As always, read on dreamers, read on.

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