Hannah Says Hello

I would really like to take a moment to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy what you read and that it will entice you to come back for more. There is a link to subscribe if you wish. This blog is meant to be appealing to a wide range of ages, so please keep anything you comment to a PG-13 level, no slander or bad talk.

I will continue to update this blog and keep as much new content as possible. I will comment back, but please be patient with me if it takes longer than you anticipated. All feedback is welcome, good, bad, or neutral.

I will leave you with my own quote, "If I can dream it, I can write it. If I can write it, then it will become your dream."

Novel Teasers

I like to provide novel teasers.  These are a snippet of what you may find in a full length novel.  These are all my own original ideas and if you think they need improvement in plot or character, please let me know.  I would like any novel developed to be one that the reader really wants.  I am using this page as a guide to the wants of my fellow dreamers and to improve upon myself.  Every great author needs feedback.  I encourage all to leave a comment without shame.  Good, bad, neutral, I need it all.  Just remember in leaving a comment that there is no need for language or to belittle.  Constructive criticism is what is needed here.  If you find a teaser you especially like, let me know that too.  If it is popular I will share a chapter page and I will provide more to the teaser to sate your curiosity.   No, there will not be a full novel on here, you will have to buy that one.  As always, read on dreamers, read on.


The night was dark and dreary.  The trek through the forest has been long and arduous.  The next town was still another hour away at this slow pace.  Alexandria had to be careful and pick her way through the trail.  She didn’t want her horse to become lame from twisting an ankle.  This storm has been relentless for the last two days.  At least right now the driving rain had subsided for the time being.  Alexandria’s clothes were soaked through and her hair had become disheveled from the braid she had put it in.  Another hour and she could find an inn to rest for a few hours. 
What she didn’t know was where she was exactly or what town lay ahead.  She had only found out that there was a town by a traveler that she had meet on the road.  It was an old man that appeared to be returning to his farm.  He didn’t offer much in detail, just that the next town was about three hours away.  Judging by when the sun had set after she had spoken to the man, she had to have been on this road for at least four hours.  Of course, unknown terrain and the current storm made traveling slow.  She hadn’t stopped for more than a few minutes to feed and water her horse and stretch her legs.
A breeze brought a chill to her and she shivered and then she sat bolt upright.  There was the scent of wood smoke lingering in the wind.  If she could smell it now then she must be very close.  As she ascended a rise and went around a bend in the road she could make out small specs of light filtering through the tangle of the forest.  By the size of the lights she was still at least a half hour away from her target.  Just knowing there was civilization put her mind a little at ease.
Alexandria hasn’t really had a warm welcome in to many places.  She tries to just pass through.  This is a foreign land to her with customs she is not familiar with.  The people in this land aren’t educated about extraordinary people and so she is viewed as trouble.  As long as she keeps her biceps covered and her manner quaint she should have no problem. 


  1. Looks interesting, but I think that some sentences are just too short like: The night was dark and dreary. The trek through the forest has been long and arduous. - I was doing that mistake too (and maybe I am still doing it...but not that much as at the beginning), professional authors will join them together like that: The night was dark and dreary and the trek through the forest has been long and arduous. -

    Not hard and it will make the reader feel that you as an author know what, where and to who is gonna happen straight away.

    I hope that helps.

  2. It most definitely does help. Any critique I can get! Now that I look at it, I am not quite sure why I separated the sentence like that. I am usually very good at description. I have gotten in trouble for too much before. I am playing with revisions now and will post that as soon as it is done. Please continue with your feedback, it is most helpful. I have a story on associated content Song of The Forest. Could you take a look at that one and tell me what you think?

    Thank you for all your help!
