Hannah Says Hello

I would really like to take a moment to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy what you read and that it will entice you to come back for more. There is a link to subscribe if you wish. This blog is meant to be appealing to a wide range of ages, so please keep anything you comment to a PG-13 level, no slander or bad talk.

I will continue to update this blog and keep as much new content as possible. I will comment back, but please be patient with me if it takes longer than you anticipated. All feedback is welcome, good, bad, or neutral.

I will leave you with my own quote, "If I can dream it, I can write it. If I can write it, then it will become your dream."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Please be Patient

I know there has not been any new content for a bit.  I am working on some good content for you all to enjoy.  I appreciate all of your patience.  I will make sure the wait was well worth it!  Please check back in the next couple of days as I plan to have new posted content either tomorrow or Thursday.  As always, read on dreamers, read on.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Must See For Every Writer

I have found, by happenstance a wonderful resource for all writers.  I would like to draw attention now from my own site to Hub Pages.  There is a wealth of information for all writers and you can contribute as well.  That is not the reason for this post.  I have added a link that is a must-go-to!

You will find that Website Examiner is an expert author and has much to contribute.  This particular post of his got me thinking.  The title is Get Published with Website Examiner and he offers assistance that writers normally only dream of.  Just click on the link at the bottom of this post.

Getting published is not an easy journey.  Writers that accomplish that goal struggle through the seemingly bottomless pit of rejection.  There is editing, revision, editing again, and rewrites; sometimes whole chapters.  Website Examiner has put all of the resources together in one place from proofreading to publishing.  I for one will be sure to pick the brain of such an inspiration. 

Please be sure to check out the title above and prepare to be amazed!  As always, write on my fellow dreamers, write on.


New Additions......

I have had fun the last couple of days finding images to match to mood of the site.  I hope you take the time to scroll through and enjoy the art as well as the written word.  I believe when it comes to dreams and imagination, the image can illicit just as much emotion as the word.  I have always enjoyed a great picture that tells a story, some of my best work has come from this form of story starter.  Mr. Linden's Library was one such story.  I cannot, unfortunately share the art that ignited that story.  It was an anonymous artist with no title and I have not been able to find it on the web or the book it came from, bummer.  Share with me the art you would like to see.  I have some that is a little above pg-13, so those have not made it to the site.  I will update the art occasionally, so be sure to check back.  With this one, I will leave you with this, dream on dreamers, dream on!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Novel Teaser


The night was dark and dreary.  The trek through the forest has been long and arduous.  The next town was still another hour away at this slow pace.  Alexandria had to be careful and pick her way through the trail.  She didn’t want her horse to become lame from twisting an ankle.

Click on the Novel Teaser link to read more........

Thunder Rolls

Who was this mysterious man standing before her?  What did he want from her?  Where did he come from?  Why did he cause her to step from the security of the light and the inviting warmth of her home?

Look under the page Short Stories for the story about the questions above.  Just another small addition to keep you guessing and needing more.  Enjoy this mystery and please leave feedback, questions, wants, etc.  As always, read on fellow dreamers, read on.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Design Updates

I appreciate all the patience you give while I move things around on you.  I want this to be user friendly and some things will move places a short distance to accommodate you.  If you find anything that is not user friendly or not clickable, please let me know so that I can make the adjustments.  You will notice the sounding board is now a label so that we can utilize several posts that will have different ideas or questions for you to use.  This will also allow you to find a post on the topic you wish to sound off about.  I will do a post for plots, one for ideas, one for setting and so on.  Any further ideas that you would like to see in the sounding board, feel free to comment them. Thanks again, and as this is the sounding board, write on fellow dreamers, write on.

Sounding Board

Revision: This will do better under a label for you than a stand alone page.  Just a little redesign to make this more user friendly.  

I introduced this link for all authors, including myself.  We all have great ideas and wonderful story-lines, but sometimes there is one you are toying with.  This is a place to get an outside view of your idea.  To help it take shape of a wonderful plot that all your, or my, readers will love.  I would love to see comments on this page for any author that may be stuck, has a little writer's block, or just wants to get an opinion.  As hard as it is sometimes, all authors need good feedback to write the next bestseller.  So, instead of my usual closing, I will leave you with this; write on dreamers, write on.

Tools For You

I have recently discovered that comments are great, but what does this blog do for you?  I love that you visit for the entertainment as it is created, but I want you to benefit as well.  I have introduced a page that I hope you will take advantage of.  The page is the Sounding Board.  A place for ideas to be laid out, plot holes to be discovered, an author feedback page.  You name what you need help or feedback on and it will be done.  I expect this to be a friendly interactive page where all writers can get real feedback that will help them with whatever project they are working on.  Remember, it does not have to be the next best seller, it could just simply be an essay for a class.  This page is for you so do not be afraid to use it.  Write on fellow dreamers, write on.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hannah Mae Writes: Mr. Linden's Library

Hannah Mae Writes: Mr. Linden's Library: "He had warned her about the book, now it was too late. It was late in the afternoon and Nadia went to visit her uncle, Mr. Linden. He liv..."

Here it is!

I added it a day early for all of you.  I know, I know you can thank me later.  I hope you enjoy this short story.  I wrote it when I was fourteen and still love this story today.  I could add more too it, but I like it the way it is.  Of course, I did fix my fourteen year old grammar and spelling issues.  Please feel free to leave comments, feedback, what you liked or if you want something different.  Just click on the link above and as always read on dreamers, read on.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

We are another day closer to when content arrives.  I know you are all waiting in anticipation.  I hope the suspense is driving you crazy.  That will make the first piece all that much more delicious.  So, to tease a little more I will give you a hint.  The first piece I will share is actually old.  I wrote this short story when I was only fourteen years old.  Writing from a picture that has character and attitude is a wonderful way to fall into the story.  I have not been able to find the picture since and, I am sorry, I have no scanner to upload it.  Here is the story title, "Mr. Linden's Library".  And here is the teaser.

A young girl and no parents.  All alone and sent to live with an uncle she barely knows.  He has a vast, beautiful library.  A book, leather bound with gold clasps, calls to her.  There are initials on the cover, burned into the leather.  They are her parents initials.  What can that possibly mean?

Well now, I can't tell you that, you will have to wait and read.  I hope that this post has kept you drooling for more.  Now I would like you to dream on that teaser and see if your dream matches the reality.  I will have this story up for you on Tuesday.  As always dream on readers.

Search Amazon.com for books on sale

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I really appreciate your patience in content.  I know you are all aching for stories.  I have come to realize that creating a blog like this was a bigger task than I first thought when I started.  Of course, my anticipation of having this done overnight was a little over eager.  I do have a day job and so my first stories will be up for you to dream through on Tuesday 12/7/10.  I am going to get some labels done as well, but some may be empty at first.  Again, please continue your wonderful patience and in the mean time make sure to check out my Yahoo! Associated Content profile to see my shorter works.  The link is below.  Thanks all and remember to dream on.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A new beginning

This is a new beginning for me and for you.  This is a place for me to share my dreams with you and, hopefully, they will become your dreams as well.  I will keep this first post short and sweet.  This is my welcome to Hannah Mae Writes post.  So, Welcome!  I hope you will enjoy what you find here and be patient as new content is uploaded.  It is and will be a pleasure to meet you and entertain you.  Read on my fellow dreamers, read on.